The members of Madison Heights Church are a covenant family united by faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we do life and even death together with the glorious hope of the gospel. However, because of our certainty of the resurrection, we don’t view death as the end. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26)
We believe when we take our first breath in glory, we will be more alive for all eternity than ever before. Therefore, our cemetery exists to provide safe keeping for our bodies as we commit them to the ground in burial, but only until the day the voice of Jesus will command them to be resurrected and united with our souls at His second coming. On that day, from Grace Cemetery, bursting forth in glory, up from these very graves our bodies will rise just as did our Lord’s and we will ascend to meet and reign with Him forevermore.
Randy Rhea
Senior Pastor
Death is said to be the great equalizer but we believe that the greater equalizer is the Gospel. In Christ, there is no Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, rich nor poor— therefore, in Grace cemetery all headstones and grave markers are the same size written in the same font and cut from the same type of granite. No man or woman is elevated above another. The hope for each one who dies in Christ is the same– to be hidden in Him forever. Bodies are laid to rest in the shadow of these small crosses with the certainty that having been hidden in the shadow of His cross we shall live forevermore.
Interment rights at Grace Cemetery carry with them a promise from the Grace Cemetery Trustees (Elders of Madison Heights Church) that a portion of every gravesite purchase is placed in the Grace Cemetery Trust Account to provide for perpetual care and upkeep of the cemetery. Covenants and guidelines have been established to ensure that the cemetery space is conducive to the Gospel focus and simple aesthetic beauty that cruciform grave markers and plaques provide.
Grace Cemetery was established with a generational focus. We know that generations to come will visit the cemetery to remember loved ones. We want that time to be significant and personally meaningful for all families. We ask that the remembrance guidelines in the purchase agreement be shared with other family members. Because Grace Cemetery does not allow the placement of flowers or mementos after the closing of the grave, we ask that this is communicated to families in a pre-need conversation. We want to avoid the possible emotional distress that might accompany a remembrance item being removed by our groundskeepers.
In order to preserve the unified look and feel of Grace Cemetery we have contracted with a single source provider for the granite cross and grave marker. Davidson Marble & Granite Works in Canton, Mississippi is our monument provider. They have provided Grace Cemetery with a LIFETIME WARRANTY on re-leveling and adjustment should settling occur. Markers and Crosses will be purchased at the time of need and pricing will reflect market rates at the time of need. They include inscription work (see sample form). Crosses without markers can be purchased pre-need and set in place to mark purchased plots. Crosses purchased at the time of contract are available at current market rates (see contract paperwork for current rates).
In addition to the full name and dates of birth and death plaques may inculde up to 25 additional characters such as “Loving Wife and Mother” or “Devoted Husband and Father” or in the example to the right “Soli Deo Gloria”. Scripture refrences are also appropriate in this space.
Grace Cemetery General Info and Pre-Need Sheet
For more information regarding Grace Cemetery, please contact Laura Henderson at or 601-605-9929
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