Women’s Ministry

Encouraging, Authentic & Loving

The purpose of the Women’s Ministry at Madison Heights Church is to point women to Christ as we walk together in a fallen world. In other words, we desire to be REAL women in a counterfeit culture. With the goal of glorifying Christ, we pursue relationships that are encouraging, authentic and loving. Our prayer is that we will grow in Christlikeness as we urge one another to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-3). To fulfill this purpose, the women at Madison Heights engage in a variety of activities.

REAL Gatherings

Once a month, we gather together in one of our member’s home to fellowship and grow together. Each REAL gathering is different – some are fun and lighthearted (e.g., BUNKO), while others are intentionally deeper (i.e. spiritual gifts). These gatherings give women the opportunity to deepen existing relationships while beginning new ones.

Southern Fried Chicks (Women 55+)

Every other month the Southern Fried Chicks plan a social gathering at The Lodge. Most meetings are catered with a $15 charge per person. There is a "host" for each meeting that will set up the event and organize the drinks and desserts.  An email will be sent in advance of the event in order to register to attend. The registration assist with food preparation to ensure that the amount is appropriate for the attendance. Occasionally the meeting will be arranged at a local restaurant. 

Bible Studies

During the spring and fall, the Women’s Ministry offers morning and evening bible studies. These studies are open to women of all ages and stages of life. Visit the website calendar to learn more and register for our upcoming studies.

Women’s Bible Studies

One Year Bible Plan
Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.

Other Study (topical or book of the Bible)
Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. 


Once or twice a year, the women of Madison Heights gather for a retreat – a time away from other distractions to focus on our relationship with our Savior. These 2-day retreats are typically locally so that more women can attend. Occasionally, we offer a weekend retreat at the beach. These retreats are designed to turn our attention to Christ and grow together as His Body. Visit the website calendar to learn more and register for our upcoming retreat.


Our current Women’s Ministry director is Rebecca Goldman. Please feel free to contact Rebecca to find out more information regarding our Women’s Ministry at rebecca@madisonheightschurch.com

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